Drama Therapy

Whilst Freud analyzed dreams; Jacob L Moreno gave people the courage to dream again by acting out their conflicts and thus helping them put the parts back together again. This is drama therapy or psychodrama.

Psychodrama is an action method, often used as a psychotherapy, in which clients use spontaneous dramatization, scenarios and dramatic self- presentation to investigate and gain insight into their lives. This was first used by Jacob L Moreno. We use elements of theatre, on a stage, using props, sets, lights, make-up, costume, music. By closely recreating real-life situations, and acting them out in the present, clients have the opportunity to evaluate their behavior and more deeply understand a particular situation in their lives. Our Psychodrama is used in a variety of clinical and community-based settings, in a group scenario.

We conduct drama therapy workshops in areas of:

Building Self esteem [film]; Dealing with children having ADHD Syndrome; Overcoming Fear [film]; Overcoming Shyness [film]; Dealing with Difficult Children [film]; Parenting Workshops [films]; Improving Concentration & Focus.

We also conduct one-one sessions addressing these issues.

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